Other Support Services
The following organisations provide support services and assistance for issues related to problem gambling. Contact the respective organisations directly for more information.
NCPG is not affiliated to the following agencies and will only make referrals upon client's request.

One Hope Centre
One Hope Centre
One Hope Centre provides professional counselling services and support programmes to individuals and families affected by gambling addiction and other addictive behaviours at no charge, in both English and Mandarin. The centre also helps people struggling with spending, sex, pornography, and love addictions.

WE CARE Community Services
WE CARE Community Services
WE CARE provides treatment and support for persons and families affected by addiction. For gambling issues, it offers the GRIP (Gambling Recovery and Intervention Programme) treatment. Counselling therapy is conducted by trained professional addiction specialists. A hub for several recovery support groups, WE CARE hosts the Gamblers Anonymous group meetings. Besides conducting public education talks on addiction, WE CARE also runs a drop-in centre where recovering persons can participate in activities and make new connections with others who share the same issues and challenges.

THK Centre for Family Harmony @ Circuit
THK Centre for Family Harmony @ Circuit
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society (THK) provides community-based services in social, health, emotional, educational, family and disability to all. They have been providing problem gambling intervention in the community since 2006.

National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)
National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)
NAMS provides assessment and treatments for problem gambling and other behavioural addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gaming and internet. It also offers individual, group and family therapy, public education talks and training for health care and social service professionals amongst other services.

Changi General Hospital (Addiction Medicine Clinic)
Changi General Hospital (Addiction Medicine Clinic)

Arise2Care Community Services
Arise2Care Community Services
Arise2Care aims to transform the lives of persons with problem gambling through their gambling recovery programme and rebuild family relationships through their Support Groups. They also provide debt counselling services.

Blessed Grace Social Services
Blessed Grace Social Services
Blessed Grace Social Services assists individuals and affected family members facing problems due to gambling. Together with those in recovery, the Centre provides guidance and support to help people break free from their gambling addiction. Services include debt management and weekly support groups (conducted in Mandarin).

The Silver Lining Community Services
The Silver Lining Community Services
The Silver Lining provides problem gambling rehabilitation, debt management counselling, and crisis intervention for affected persons and their family members. Help seekers will find support and empowerment to handle issues like gambling addiction and related debt problems with legal and illegal moneylenders.

Adullam Life Counselling
Adullam Life Counselling
Adullam Life Counselling provides counselling and support for individuals, couples, and families during their financial crisis. The agency provides financial mediation and counselling to those who are heavily in debt as well as to their family members who suffer as a result of the debt.

Ascending Hope Community Services
Ascending Hope Community Services
Ascending Hope Community Services is dedicated to help problem gamblers and their family members overcome their problems and alleviate the distress faced, through befriending support and counselling for the individual and family. They provide debt restructuring services as well.
Credit Counselling Singapore
Credit Counselling Singapore
Credit Counselling Singapore is committed in helping debt-distressed individuals address their unsecured debt problem through credit counselling, education and facilitating debt repayment arrangements, where suitable. They conduct weekly webinars on Debt Management.
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
The Debt Advisory Centre (DAC) @ AMP (Pasir Ris) is a one-stop centre that provides advice and education to individuals who face debt problems. DAC provides a roadmap for debtors to have a clearer picture of the options that are available to them. Based on their circumstances, the roadmap will contain recommended solutions, some of which will be done in-house while others will involve relevant external agencies and organisations. In addition to the roadmap, DAC has formed a support group for those indebted to legal and/or illegal moneylenders. This support group provides debtors with a platform to share their experiences and gain emotional support from others facing the same problems.

Family Service Centres
Family Service Centres
Family Service Centres (FSCs) are neighbourhood-based social service providers for resources and assistance for any family related matters. Find a Family Service Centre near you.

Social Service Office
Social Service Office
Social Service Office (SSOs) serves residents in HDB towns. These offices will provide more accessible social assistance including localised and integrated social services. Find a Social Service Office near you or call the ComCare Hotline at 1800-222-0000.

Arise2Care Community Services
Arise2Care Community Services
Arise2Care aims to transform the lives of persons with problem gambling through their gambling recovery programme and rebuild family relationships through their Support Groups. They also provide debt counselling services.

Blessed Grace Social Services
Blessed Grace Social Services
Blessed Grace Social Services assists individuals and affected family members facing problems due to gambling. Together with those in recovery, the Centre provides guidance and support to help people break free from their gambling addiction. Services include debt management and weekly support groups (conducted in Mandarin).

The Silver Lining Community Services
The Silver Lining Community Services
The Silver Lining provides problem gambling rehabilitation, debt management counselling, and crisis intervention for affected persons and their family members. Help seekers will find support and empowerment to handle issues like gambling addiction and related debt problems with legal and illegal moneylenders.

WE CARE Community Services
WE CARE Community Services
WE CARE provides treatment and support for persons and families affected by addiction. For gambling issues, it offers the GRIP (Gambling Recovery and Intervention Programme) treatment. Counselling therapy is conducted by trained professional addiction specialists. A hub for several recovery support groups, WE CARE hosts the Gamblers Anonymous group meetings. Besides conducting public education talks on addiction, WE CARE also runs a drop-in centre where recovering persons can participate in activities and make new connections with others who share the same issues and challenges.

One Hope Centre
One Hope Centre
One Hope Centre provides professional counselling services and support programmes to individuals and families affected by gambling addiction and other addictive behaviours at no charge, in both English and Mandarin. The centre also helps people struggling with spending, sex, pornography, and love addictions.

Adullam Life Counselling
Adullam Life Counselling
Adullam Life Counselling provides counselling and support for individuals, couples and families during their financial crisis. The agency provides financial mediation and counselling to those who are heavily in debt as well as to their family members who suffer as a result of the debt.

Ascending Hope Community Services
Ascending Hope Community Services
Ascending Hope Community Services is dedicated to help problem gamblers and their family members overcome their problems and alleviate the distress faced, through befriending support and counselling for the individual and family. They provide debt restructuring services as well.
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
The Debt Advisory Centre (DAC) @ AMP (Pasir Ris) is a one-stop centre that provides advice and education to individuals who face debt problems. DAC provides a roadmap for debtors to have a clearer picture of the options that are available to them. Based on their circumstances, the roadmap will contain recommended solutions, some of which will be done in-house while others will involve relevant external agencies and organisations. In addition to the roadmap, DAC has formed a support group for those indebted to legal and/or illegal moneylenders. This support group provides debtors with a platform to share their experiences and gain emotional support from others facing the same problems.

National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)
National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)
NAMS provides assessment and treatments for problem gambling and other behavioural addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gaming and internet. It also offers individual, group and family therapy, public education talks and training for health care and social service professionals amongst other services.